Our partners and pro staff are a pivotal element of our success. We know that success afield is a triumph that captivates our minds all year long and having a team that ensures our stabilizers are up to the challenge is crucial.

Partners & pro staff

Eastmans Elevated Podcast/ Eastmans Hunting Journal -  Wyoming - eastmans.com/podcast-eastmans-elevated

Eastmans Elevated Podcast/ Eastmans Hunting Journal - Wyoming - eastmans.com/podcast-eastmans-elevated

Eastmans’ Elevated Podcast with host Brian Barney is the podcast for hardcore Western Big Game hunters. Brian does one thing every single episode, talks hunting! From tips and tactics for locating and stalking to shooting strategies and even photo taking advice, Eastmans’ Elevated keeps you up to date and in the know all while entertaining you as Brian and his guests take you along on their hunts and breakdown the skills and mindset needed to be successful in the Western Big Game hunting arena.

Second Chance Outdoors- Missouri -secondchanceoutdoors.netSecond Chance Outdoors is a Veteran Owned, LEO (former) owned and operated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Their mission is to get veterans and first responders outdoors, to combat the staggering number of suicides in these professions. Their team is completely comprised of volunteers and none of their teammates receive a paycheck; they put their money where their mouth is. They want to provide opportunities to help those, who have given their all for us.

Second Chance Outdoors- Missouri -secondchanceoutdoors.net

Second Chance Outdoors is a Veteran Owned, LEO (former) owned and operated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Their mission is to get veterans and first responders outdoors, to combat the staggering number of suicides in these professions. Their team is completely comprised of volunteers and none of their teammates receive a paycheck; they put their money where their mouth is. They want to provide opportunities to help those, who have given their all for us.

Justus Nielson- Colorado- @justus_nielsonJustus is a passionate archer and bowhunter who strives to achieve his hunting and fitness goals all while attending school and working at an archery pro shop. His dedication and commitment to improving his craft has yielded much success over the past several years. Justus was a critical asset in the product development and testing phases of our earliest prototypes.

Justus Nielsen- @justus_nielsen

Justus is a vastly talented archer and bowhunter who’s passion for the craft has given him wisdom and experience well beyond his 21 years of life. His dedication and commitment to improving his craft has yielded much success over the past several years and he continues to be heavily involved, not only in the hunting industry, but in conservation and the preservation of our cherished tradition. Justus was a critical asset in the product development and testing phases of our earliest prototypes.

Beau Thiry- @beau_fessional

As an accomplished hunter, professional target archer, and arguably one of the best bow techs in the country, Beau brings an unrivaled technical insight to the team. Originally from Wisconsin, Beau came out west over a decade ago and Colorado big game animals haven’t stood a chance. Beau’s no-nonsense and highly educated opinion make him an irreplaceable asset to the team.

Dr. Tyler Anderson- @5280hunter

Tyler is an accomplished scholar, holding a PHD in human psychology, an avid hunter, and a high level competitive target archer. Tyler brings to the team a strong insight into the mental aspects of archery that make it one of the most challenging pursuits on the planet.